Sunday 4 December 2016

3 Amazing Tips On How To Be A Great Dad!

"Dad - a son's first hero and a daughter's first love", as this quote rightly says, a father is one of the most important people responsible for shaping his children's lives. Many a times, when it comes to parenting, it is the mothers who get to listen to all the advice. Most of us forget that fathers too play an equally important role in the child's life. In many cases, the fathers are the bread winners of the house and spend most of their time busy with work.
However, it is crucial to spend some quality time with your children. It is believed that children often look up to their fathers as role models. So, to be a good father, it is not enough if you just provide your children with what they need. It is also important to communicate with them and understand them better. Children see their fathers as protective figures who can always be there to support them in every way. Being a father is not an easy task and being a good one is even harder. So, here are a few tips that can help you be an amazing father to your kids, have a look.
1. Spend Quality Time
Although it is understandable that you are busy with your job and hectic schedule, it is very important to make sure that you spare some time to spend with your child every day, even it is just for a while. Not spending enough time with your children, thinking that your partner will take care of that part, can only create a distance between you and your child, which may affect your relationship with them.
 2. Never Psychically Abuse Your Children

Many a times, fathers tend go too hard on their children and use physical abuse as a means to discipline them. However, physically abusing your kids by hitting or striking them often can have serious consequences and affect their psychological state negatively. They may either turn against you and start to dislike you or they may grow to become extremely afraid of you. In both cases, your relationship with them suffers.
 3. Be A Good Role Model
Most children tend to learn a lot of things from their fathers, so it is important for you to be a good role model to them. Respect their mother, stay away from vices, teach them about morals, be patient and kind. Your children will definitely learn these positive things from you and grow up to be model citizens.

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