Tuesday 6 December 2016

7 Important Tips For Parents With A Dyslexic Child

"What it's like to be a parent: It's one of the hardest things you'll ever do but in exchange it teaches you the meaning of unconditional love." - this is a famous quote which makes a lot of sense. Parenting is not an easy task. Right from the moment a child comes into this world, parents have to make a lot of sacrifices and commitments that last for a lifetime!

However, parenthood is synonymous to unconditional love and parents are willing to do anything to see their children happy and healthy. As hard as it is to admit, parenting becomes all the more challenging when the kids are born with certain ailments. It means that the parents have to put in more effort than usual to try and make their child's life as easy as possible.

Dyslexia is one such learning disorder that can take a toll on the parents of the affected child.

Dyslexia is a learning disorder in which in the child has difficulty in reading, writing, interpreting and understanding certain things that may hamper his/her progress at school and other everyday activities. So, here are some useful tips that can be followed by parents with a dyslexic child, to help make their lives and their child's life easier.

Tip #1 Patience is the key when it comes to dealing with a dyslexic child. Children with dyslexia take a longer time to do regular learning tasks compared to their peers. The parents need to be patient and support their children emotionally.

Tip #2 When giving instructions to your child, it is important to be firm. Make them understand that carrying out certain tasks or doing their homeworks is very important, in a tone that is firm yet encouraging.

Tip #3 Be forgiving towards yourself and your child. Having a child with dyslexia can weaken the parents emotionally and they may often blame themselves or their children. But, doing that can only make matters worse.

Tip #4 Ensure that you take your children out to places they like such as theme parks, museums, gaming arcades, etc, at least a couple of times in a month. Just like any other child, dyslexic children too need to unwind and have some fun!

Tip #5 Be flexible and accepting, when it comes to their school work. The learning skills of dyslexic children is very different from their peers, so the parents must understand their child's capabilities and limitations.

Tip #6 If they are studying in a regular school, ensure that you speak to the teachers and let them know about your child's problems. Keep in touch with the teachers regularly and pay a close attention to your child's progress.

Tip #7 Often, children with dyslexia are bullied and teased at school by other pupils, for being "slow" and different. If you suspect that your child is being bullied, make sure that you talk to the teachers and help your child get out of that situation.

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