Wednesday 7 December 2016

How To Cure Constipation In Babies

The main reasons behind constipation in children are excessive milk consumption, lack of fibre in the diet, low intake of liquids or postponing nature's calls due to any reason. What are the signs? If you observe your baby struggling to pass the stools or if your baby doesn't pass stools for more than a day then constipation could be the reason. Also, the texture of the stool could also help you know whether your baby is constipated. Once you have identified that your little one is suffering from constipation, follow some of the below tips.

Offer More Fluids Make your baby drink some water on regular intervals. Even if your baby sips small quantities of water, it can help. Check the colour of the urine. If the colour is dark, it means your baby needs more water.

Offer Fruits Your baby needs some fibre. Offer fruits, whole grain bread and cooked vegetables. Fibre can ease bowel movements.
Stop Constipating Foods Try to avoid yoghurt, cheese, bananas, carrots and rice when your baby is constipated.

Activity Allow your baby to play. The body should move, jump, run and stay active to digest the food and get rid of constipation.
Optimise Milk consumption Too much of milk could cause constipation. Give small quantities of milk (not more than 3 ounces per day).
Schedule Potty Time Try to regularise the potty timings of your baby. This can reduce the chances of suffering constipation.

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