Friday 2 December 2016

7 Best Parenting Tips To Deal With A Teenage Kid 

If your child is a teenager, then as a parent you will be very familiar with his/her adolescent tantrums, the rebellious attitude, raging hormones, wanting to do all the "grown-up things" at once.
Well, it can be quite hard to deal with the rapid physical and psychological changes your kid is going through during his/her teen years. Some say that raising a teenager is harder than dealing with an infant!
Their constant mood swings, temperamental attitude, impulsive behaviour, etc, is triggered by the hormonal changes that occur between the ages of 13 and 18, making it a confusing period for themselves and their parents.
However, it is very important to ensure that your teenager is getting the right kind of advice, guidance and attention because teenage is a period when a child's personality is moulded.
Of course, not every teen goes through extreme phases, in which their reactions can hamper their studies and lives in general, but it does happen with a lot of teens.
So, as parents of a teenage kid, you must follow certain tips and give them more attention than usual. Have a look at the 7 tips, here.

Tip #1

Do not try to control your teen too much, give them a certain amount of freedom to make decisions. Being over-controlling can make them rebellious and could also lead them to make wrong choices.

Tip #2

Be open with them about certain things and advice them about it in a mature way. For example, let them know about the harmful effects of smoking, drugs and alcohol, advice them about premarital sex and the importance of using protection.

Tip #3

Ensure that you do not stop them from making new friends, fearing that they might get into bad company. Instead of that, you can invite their friends home and learn more about who your teen is hanging out with.

Tip #4

Do not interrogate them about every small detail. If you want to know what is going on, ask them at once with a genuine interest and give them some time to be ready to talk to you about things.

 Tip #5

It is quite common for teenagers to have a low self-esteem about their looks and lives. So, if you notice signs of loss of confidence and social anxiety in your teenage kids, you must talk to them and get them professional help if needed.

Tip #6

Avoid putting too much pressure on them when it comes to studies or any extra-curricular activities. Constantly nagging them about studies and achievements can sometimes make them hostile towards you.

 Tip #7

Take family trips, watch movies together and go out for dinner often. Doing this will help make the bond between you and your teen stronger, as teenage is a period in which the kids tend to alienate themselves from their family members.

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