Sunday 4 December 2016

Most adults, these days, give a lot of importance to fitness. More and more people are making fitness routine a part of their day, in order to stay healthy with a toned body. However, many a times, parents tend to ignore the fact that even children need to stay fit, in order to remain healthy and strong. Parents tend to focus more on their kid's school work and extracurricular activities and so, fitness often takes the back seat.

Most modern day kids tend to lead unhealthy lifestyles - thanks to all those video games, access to phones and computers right from a young age, a whole variety of junk food, etc. The above-mentioned habits practiced by the kids can cause a lot of health issues such as childhood obesity, a weakened immune system, constant viral infections and stomach issues, stunted growth, etc. So, it is very crucial for the kids to maintain a regular fitness routine, in order to stay healthy and avoid a number of unnecessary health problems. If you want to know how to help your kids get fit and healthy, have a look below! 
Tip #1 Make it a point to ensure that your child gets involved in a regular fitness routine at least a few days in a week. Experiment with different ideas like karate, swimming, sports, junior gyms, etc, to see what works for them, so that they are motivated to continue.
 Tip #2 Parents can spend some time every day involving themselves in playing sports with their kids, be it cricket, basketball, running, etc. This helps the kids to get fit as well as allow the parents to spend some quality time with their kids.

Tip #3 Set rules for your kids on how much time they can spend with their gadgets. You can tell them that if they spend an hour playing video games, they need to spend an hour playing an outdoor sport. Tip #4 You can try and talk to the parents of your child's friend and see if they can join the same fitness routine class. If a friend goes along, chances are that your children also will be more than happy to join the class.

Tip #5 You can try talking to your kids and educating them about the importance of being fit and the hazards of spending too much time in front of the computer or let them know how unhealthy junk food can be.

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