Sunday 4 December 2016

Diet plays a very important role in the growth and development of your kid. If you are unaware of the nutritional requirements, then you may not be providing the right foods to your kids.
During the growing phase, your kid needs all the vital nutrients, that too in the right proportions. Your family doctor or dietician can always help you out, but basically you may need to ensure that carbs, protein, vitamins and minerals are offered to your kid regularly through healthy diet. Here are some of the important nutrients that you must give your baby.
Calcium Calcium is a very important mineral as your body needs it to develop teeth and bones. Children need it especially in the growing years. Leafy vegetables, dairy products and salmon fish are good sources for calcium
Iron Iron deficiency could be dangerous as blood cells need iron. And blood supplies oxygen and various nutrients to all parts of your body. So, feed your kid with kale, spinach and red meat.
Vitamin B12 All vitamins in the B-group are essential for healthy metabolism. Especially, vitamin B12 is required during the growing years. This vitamin is present in eggs and chicken
Vitamin D Your body requires vitamin D in order to absorb calcium well. So, for strong bones, even vitamin D is necessary. Mackerel, salmon and eggs contain this vitamin.
Vitamin E This vitamin can strengthen immunity and protect kids from various diseases. It also helps in healthy blood circulation. Sunflower seeds, almonds and some nuts contain this vitamin.


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