Monday 17 October 2016

Healing Power of Tulsi Leaves for Kids 

 Importance of the Medicinal Plant Tulsi

 Tulsi leaves can help to cure many health ailments in adults as well as kids. Read on to learn more about the healing power of Tulsi leaves for kids.

Many people are aware that Tulsi leaves or holy basil has healing power. It is one of the best medicinal herb discovered till date. Read on to know about the medicinal properties of Tulsi leaves and how and when they could be used.
Tulsi, known as holy basil has several medicinal properties and is a very important herb especially in Ayurveda and Naturopathy. They are not just healthy for adults, but also for kids. Tulsi has essential oils which effectively act on respiratory system and helps fight pollution to some extent. There are many more benefits and it is advisable to make it a habit of your child to have few leaves of Tulsi every day.

Healing Properties of Tulsi Leaves

Have a quick look at some of the important healing properties of Tulsi leaves. Please make sure that you consult your doctor before trying the following remedies on your children. If they are allergic to any of the ingredients mentioned below, please avoid them.  

Digestive System
Tulsi leaves help to strengthen digestive system. It works as an appetizer and by secreting digestive enzymes, it promotes digestion.

Respiratory System 
Tulsi leaves successfully act on respiratory system. It helps cure almost all kinds of respiratory disorders. It can cure bronchitis, both, chronic and acute.

Holy basil has strengthening effect on kidney. If there are kidney stones, take juice of Tulsi leaves with honey for six months and the stones will get excreted through urine.

Tulsi leaves help cure almost all kinds of headaches. Vitamin C and other antioxidants soothe nerves, reduce stress along with repairing damages due to which headache is caused. Headaches caused by sinus, migraines, cough or cold is said to be effectively controlled only by a single Tulsi serving.

Tulsi leaves help to cure fever. It is an excellent germicidal and disinfectant agent that helps it protect your child from all sorts of bacterial, viral and fungal infections. With its infection fighting property, it fights fever and restores your child’s health quickly.

Tulsi leaves are a good remedy for asthma.

Dental Care
Tulsi has the power to fight bacteria that develops in children’s mouth. These bacteria, if not treated on time, leads to dental issues like tartar, plaque, bad breath and cavities. Regular usage of Tulsi will save your child from suffering from these problems.
It also helps fight mouth ulcers and prevent them from reoccurring as well.

Good source of Vitamin K
Vitamin K is an important element playing big role in bone health and heart health. It helps maintain brain function and healthy metabolism of your child.

Eye Health
Washing eyes daily with water in which few leaves of Tulsi has been soaked will keep your child away from eye problems like conjunctivitis and boils. It soothes eye inflammation and helps reduce stress.

Immune System
Regular usage of Tulsi leaves help boosting up the immune system of your child. It has antibacterial and antibiotic properties that help kids stay away from many infections. Just by keeping the Tulsi plant indoors, cough, cold, general and viral infections can be kept away from everyone in the family.

Skin Care
Mixing Tulsi with bathing water or by simply washing your child’s face with it, will keep your child away from all kinds of skin infections. Just by rubbing Tulsi leaves on your child’s body will save him or her from mosquito bites and even make other insects stay away.

Other Benefits
In addition to the above specific healing properties of Tulsi leaves, it helps heal wounds quickly, protects your child’s body from radiation poisoning, helps in curing any kind of cancer and tumours, measles, mumps, whooping cough, general cough and cold and many more diseases.
If you can make your child chew three to four Tulsi leaves daily in the morning, your child will be safe and healthy even during normal change in weather conditions. Try using Tulsi leaves as it works wonders on your child’s life and living habits.

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