Tuesday 22 November 2016

7 Best Tips For Parents Planning A Second Baby!

Have you and your partner always wished to have a big, happy family complete with 3 kids and 2 dogs?


Do you and your partner already have a beautiful child and feel like you are ready to bring another new member into your family?
If yes, then there are a few things to be considered and a few tips to be followed before you give birth to baby #2.
It is quite natural to want to have a second child, as it means that your first-born will have some company to spend time with.
Also, by having two children, your family will seem more complete and fun.
However, sometimes, even if both the parents feel ready to have a second baby, it may not be a feasible option due to various reasons like financial constraints, lack of time to take care of two kids, health issues of the mother, etc.
Even then, many a times, parents tend to make certain personal sacrifices in order to bring in a new child into this world.
So, if you are planning on having a second baby, here are a few tips to keep in mind, have a look.

Tip #1: Mother Should Be In Good Health

Ensure that the mother is in good heath to deliver a second child and talk to a professional before going ahead because planning on getting pregnant if you are not in good shape can only lead to further complications.

Tip #2: Follow The Advice Of Your Gynaec If You Are Post 35

If you have waited too long after your first child to plan for your second one, and if the mother is over 35 years of age, you must consult a gynaecologist before coming to a concrete decision, as late pregnancy is not advisable.

Tip #3: Ensure That You Are Financially Stable

Ensure that you are financially stable and ready to cater to the needs of another family member. Remember that your expenses may double after your second baby.

Tip #4: There Must Be An Age Gap Between 1st & 2nd Child

It is not advisable to get pregnant with a second child within a year of delivering your first child, as it will take up a lot of your energy and it is also not very healthy for the mother.

Tip #5: Age Gap Of 3-5 Years Is Ideal

Psychologists opine that ideally the gap between your first and second babies should be around 3-5 years, so that the siblings can bond in a better way, if the age gap is not too high.

Tip #6: Make Sure The First-Born Is Healthy & You Can Manage Both

If you have a first-born who has a lot of health complications, then you might want to wait to plan for your second pregnancy, as it could be hard for you to mange a newborn and a sick child together!

Tip #7: It Is Impractical To Plan For 2nd Child Based On Gender

It would be impractical to plan for a second child just because you are unhappy with the sex of the first child. Try to accept and love your child for what he/she is and invest all of your time in making his/her life better.

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