Monday 28 November 2016

8 Teething Baby Problems & Remedies 

There are very few tougher things to handle in the world than a teething baby. Usually, the problems of a teething baby are really tough to deal with. And the worst is, all these problems are symptomatic. These symptoms of teething are seen in the baby a few days before the teeth erupts and then they fade away on their own. But along with the problems of a teething baby there are remedies to help you.


Usually, the commonest problems of teething babies is diarrhea. When babies are getting teeth, they put everything in their mouth and that causes a stomach infection. This is bound to happen to 90 percent of babies. There is not much parents can do to avoid teething baby problems. However, having the solution to the problems of teething babies symptoms may help.
Always avoid giving your baby a pain killer to deal with the teething discomfort. It is much better to use the tried and tested home remedies. Teething is a long process. Usually the milk teeth come out in twos and threes. So you have to be patient in dealing with the problems of your teething baby. Looking for short term remedies for these problems would not help.
There are the 8 main problems of teething babies and remedies to these as well.


Diarrhea is something certainly will happen to a teething baby. You need not get too worked up about it. However, you need to monitor your baby's stool. If he is passing too much watery stool give your baby ORS immediately. Remember, your baby can get dehydrated very quickly.

Cranky Baby

Your baby will cry continuously or at very short intervals when he or she is teething. Sometimes vibrating chairs or music can help you to calm them down. You can also try rubbing their gum with your clean fingers for relief.


Fever usually happens when your baby gets a stomach infection as he or she puts almost everything in their mouth. You have treat the fever with standard paracetamol drops for infants. The dosage is decided by taking the baby's weight. But if your baby has high fever, always consult the doctor.

Chewing Accidents

Your baby might chew something poisonous or too hard for his or her young gums during the teething phase. Choking accidents are also common during this phase. You can avoid these by giving your baby teething rings and keeping only safe objects to chew around him/her

Refusing Food

It is routine for babies to refuse food when they are teething. Try to give the baby warm milk in a bottle. The baby can chew on the nipple of the bottle and the warm milk helps soothe the pain in their gums.

More Acid Reflux

As your baby keeps putting his or her fingers in the mouth, milk reflux will be increased. Keep your baby distracted for 30 minutes after every feeding session while the milk is going down. After this time, milk reflux is much reduced because the food has started getting digested.

Gassy Baby

If your baby is having a stomach infection, he or she will be gassy. You can understand this by tapping your babies stomach or by hearing them fart too often. If your baby is visibly uncomfortable, turn the baby around and let him lie on his/her belly. This will help release the gas.

Baby Not Sleeping At Night

Teething babies do not sleep at night. They keep crying throughout the night sometimes. However, you can try co-sleeping with the baby to comfort him/her. Also give the baby to something to chew on when you are putting him/her to sleep.

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