Monday 14 November 2016

Dehydration in kids can prove to be fatal. Read on to know what causes dehydration in kids.
Deficiency of fluids in children is a serious and possibly fatal sickness. It happens when an excessive amount of fluid is lost from the body and not replenished quickly enough. Toddlers and young kids are much more predisposed towards dehydration than adults and older children.
What Causes Dehydration In Kids 
The human body consists of more than ninety five percent water, the level of fluid that needs to be kept for appropriate healthful and body function. We do that by drinking water along with other fluids and by eating as well.
What Causes Dehydration In Kids2

The most typical reason for dehydration in children is sickness, frequently in the form of perhaps a viral infection, like the rotavirus, or perhaps a bacterial infection, like e coli or salmonella.

What Causes Dehydration In Kids3
When a kid is sick, he has the tendency to stop eating and drinking, which results in fluids not being consumed. Illness is generally accompanied by diarrhoea and vomiting, which dissipates the body of essential body fluids. If excess fluid is lost from the body and not replenished at the very same rate, dehydration may be the result
 Other reasons for dehydration in kids include parasites and excessive heat. Kids and babies can become dehydrated very rapidly, and their eating and drinking behaviour should always be monitored closely.
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If children do not eat or drink for more than four or five hours, they could be in danger of dehydration. This is particularly urgent when they have been out in the hot sun or have been extremely active over that same amount of time.
The very best way to avoid dehydration is to drink water each day. Juices along with other fluids also help to replenish fluid levels, but pure, clean drinking water is the most effective. If a kid or infant becomes dehydrated, he might require urgent treatment.
Toddlers with dehydration are often treated with an oral electrolyte powder, mixed with water, which includes fluids, sugar and chemicals that bring their body back to balance.

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