Monday 28 November 2016

What To Do When Your Baby Cries

Crying is your baby's way of telling you that he or she is going through some kind of discomfort. During the first few years, babies tend to cry a lot. But when a parent tries to understand the needs of the baby, the frequency of the crying could be reduced. Also, when the baby starts grasping language, the need to cry may reduce. Generally, babies cry when they are hungry, ill, tired, frustrated or even excited. Here are some things to try when your baby starts crying.
Tip #1 Sometimes, when babies are hungry, they cry. So, try to feed your baby when he or she cries around the meal time.

Tip #2 If you see your baby sucking the thumb, you can also give the milk bottle to suck. Just ensure that it is sterilised.
Tip #3 Sometimes, babies also cry when they feel lonely. If that is the case, just hug your baby and make him or her feel secure.
Tip #4 Sometimes, taking your baby outdoors can do the trick. When babies get bored, they may cry. Gently carry the baby and go out for a walk.
Tip #5 Even toys can do a good job in diverting the attention of a crying baby. Keep some toys handy.
Tip #6 Sometimes, the room temperature could also be the reasons. See that the room isn't too hot or too cold for your baby.
Tip #7 If none of the above tips work, take your baby to the doctor. Sometimes, digestive issues could also make babies cry.

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