Thursday 10 November 2016

What If Your Baby Sweats Excessively

If your baby sweats throughout the day then you may need to take it seriously. Consult a doctor because it could also be due to other serious conditions related to nervous system or thyroid

Sweating is the body's way of adjusting to the temperature of the surroundings. The central nervous system is responsible for controlling the temperature of the body. In babies, the system tends to be in its developmental stages. And of course, some babies also may sweat excessively compared to others.

What If Your Baby Sweats Excessively1 
If your baby is sweating, firstly, check whether you are using too many blankets to keep your baby warm during cold weather. Try to maintain the ideal room temperature.

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But if your baby sweats throughout the day then you may need to take it seriously. It is better to consult a doctor because it could also be due to other serious conditions.

If the kid is obese or too thin and sweats continuously even during feeding then you must go to a doctor. The reason for continuous sweating could also be genetic disorders, thyroid issues, nervous system issues etc. So, take your baby to a doctor to find out the reason.

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