Tuesday 8 November 2016

Expert Parenting Tips If You Have Children With Intellectual Disability

Parenting is one of the most responsible and difficult jobs of all time; and if you have a child who has some sort of a disorder, it can be even harder. So, there are some tips that can help if you have a child with an intellectual disability. Intellectual disability, previously known as mental retardation, is a neuro-developmental disorder, in which the affected person has impaired learning, cognitive and behavioural functions.

This disorder usually becomes evident when the child is about 3 years of age, when certain normal functions are delayedsuch asspeech, movements, etc. Intellectual disability is a genetic condition, in which the children are usually born with the condition. The causes for intellectual disability can be various such as heredity, iodine deficiency in the mother, complications during pregnancy, malnutrition, exposure to lead, chromosomal abnormalities, etc. Children with mental retardation can face serious problems, as their daily lives, social/learning skills and other activities are hampered to a great extent. So, it requires a special set of parenting skills to take care of a child with intellectual disability. Here are a few expert tips that can help you deal with a child with intellectual disability, read on.

Tip #1 Parenting tips to deal with a child with intellectual disability involves accepting the fact that your child has special needs and you should do everything you can to help him/her.

Tip #2 Another parenting tip for intellectual disability is to be prepared for certain tantrums by the childthatisusually a symptom of mental retardation.


Tip #3 Ensure that your child receives special education at schools that serve children with special needs, as regular schools may not be of much help.
Tip #4 Another important tip for parents with mentally disabled kids is that the parents must lookout for signs of abuse and bullying that their children may face, as the children may not be able to express certain things. 
Tip #5 Ensure that you take your child to see a therapist or a professional on a regular basis, as cognitive behavioural sessions and medications can help control the symptoms.
Tip #6 Another important tip for parents with an intellectually disabled child is that they must think carefully before planning to have another child, as a child with special needs can take up a lot of their time and energy.
Tip #7 It is important to treat your child like he/she is normal and indulge him/herin a few regular fun activities that he/shemight like, once in a while.

1 comment:

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