Thursday 17 November 2016

Importance Of Tender Coconut Water For Kids

Coconut tree that belongs to the Palm family is one of the wonder trees, wherein every part of it is useful in several ways. The leaves, bark, fruits and flowers are all useful in some or the other way. The basic needs of a human for survival are food, water, shelter, and medicines; and coconut tree can provide you with all of these. Hence, no doubt, it is rightly called the "Tree of Life". Coconuts are the fruits of the coconut tree and every part of this fruit, say, the flesh, husk, water and shell can be used for several purposes. Coconut water contains essential vitamins, minerals and electrolytes that can treat gastrointestinal diseases, it is also useful in treating cholera, improves constipation and is effective in treating diarrhoea. It possesses antimicrobial properties that can treat urinary tract infections and it also acts as a remedy for bilious fever. Though we all know that tender coconut water is a great medicine and is very good for health, there is a misconception among many people that tender coconut water for kids is unsafe. Hence, the awareness on the importance of tender coconut water for kids is very essential. Yes, it is true that the flesh of coconut is very hard to chew for kids and infants, which might even lead to digestive problems. But, how about the coconut water? It has been proven that freshly cracked tender coconut water is as pure as sterilised saline water. The best part of coconut water is that it is sweet but is low in calories and has all the essential vitamins, minerals and salts. Therefore, this article helps you understand the importance of tender coconut water for kids, read on.

Re-hydration: The importance of tender coconut water for kids is best realised in the summer season, when the kids are prone to dehydration due to excessive heat. Coconut water acts as the best source of re-hydration.

Remedy For Gastrointestinal Diseases: Tender coconut water for kids can help cure a lot of gastrointestinal diseases such as indigestion, gastric ulcers, diarrhoea, dysentery, piles, flatulence, vomiting and dyspepsia.
Relieving Constipation: The importance of tender coconut water for kids is very evident during constipation, which is a common problem that worries many parents. Feeding tender coconut water at regular intervals can help improve the hydration level and relieve the kids from constipation.
Remedy For Vomiting: Vomiting is again a very common problem found among kids and infants. Tender coconut water has a soothing effect on the stomach, and drinking this at regular intervals in a day can reduce vomiting in kids.
Treatment For Urinary Tract Infections: Another common problem among kids is urinary tract infection or UTI. Tender coconut water is a diuretic, and drinking this helps to flush out any infection in the bladder and urinary tract. For people suffering from kidney stones, frequent drinking of tender coconut water can help treat the condition better.
Boosts Skin Health: Coconut water acts as a great moisturiser and toner for your kid's skin. It moisturises the skin from within and eliminates excess oil. The antibacterial, antimicrobial and antiviral properties available in tender coconut water help cure skin infections effectively, thereby eliminating the occurrences of blemishes and acne on the kid's skin. Certain bio-chemicals, called peptides, in coconut water possess antimicrobial properties and, hence, there's an emphasis to find natural drugs against microbial infections in the recent years, which can mostly be provided by tender coconut water

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