Tuesday 29 November 2016

When Can Your Baby Drink Water?


Water is one basic necessity of life. We all need to drink water in order to survive. But when your baby comes into this world, you are faced with many different questions that you did not have before. Even the simple question of when can your baby drink water can bother you? Usually, new parents go through a phase where they turn up at the doctor's chamber with questions every weekend. They want to know many different things related to the baby's diet. As far as water is concerned, babies have some very special needs. You need to be sure of what you are giving a new life. Here is a comprehensive list of facts that will answer all your water related questions concerning your baby.
  • Newborn babies need not be given after till the age of 6 months. Breast milk contains 80 percent water and thus, your baby's water requirements will be met on its own.
  •  Even if your baby is formula fed, you should not give your baby water separately. You should also never add too much water to the formula milk.
  •  After your baby is over 6 months old, you can give him/her sips if water with a small spoon. You can give your baby a few spoons of water after milk every time you feed him/her. And if your baby has started solids, make sure you increase the amount of water you give your baby. 
  • How much water your baby can drink per day is a very relevant question. You must not give your baby too much water because it will cause an imbalance of sodium and other electrolytes in the body. This is called water intoxication.
  •  If you baby suffers from constipation after starting with solid food, it means he/she is not getting enough water. You need to increase the amount of water you are giving your baby. 
  • The easiest trick is to give your baby water whenever he or she feels thirsty.Once your baby has been weaned away from breast milk, you must give him/her a few sips of water every hour. 
  • Once your baby celebrates his/her first birthday, they can drink water like normal people. Let the toddler have as much water as he or she wishes to drink. Never force the baby to have water. This is because water is something that the child will have to drink on their own free will

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